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FROM Altea, 西班牙

Tauchlehrer : To be added
51 岁 male from Altea, 西班牙

To be added... 更多相关信息 来自 Altea

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Dating in Altea, 西班牙

John FROM sydney, 澳大利亚

bowyang : Greetings
51 岁 male from sydney, 澳大利亚

Happy, well adjusted, enjoys good company Very Happy Have travelled to RU, UA, Belarus, Germay, USA, Canada, Hong Kong, UK. Enjoys photography, classical music... 更多相关信息 John 来自 sydney

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Dating in sydney, 澳大利亚

Dirk Hoffmann FROM stuttgart, 德国

taipan11 : Sympathischer Schwabe
51 岁 male from stuttgart, 德国

treu, vertrauensvoll,, ehrlich, intelligent, liebevoll, schüchtern, humorvoll, fürsorglich, ruhig, interessiert, gelassen, zurückhaltend, zuvorkommend... 更多相关信息 Dirk Hoffmann 来自 stuttgart

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Dating in stuttgart, 德国

Dirk Hoffmann FROM Stuttgart, 德国

bandybandy : liebevollerSchwabe
51 岁 male from Stuttgart, 德国

unkompliziert, zärtlich, geduldig, anpassungsfähig, treu, ehrlich, zuvorkommend, liebevoll, geradeaus, spontan, naturfreundlich, manchmal nachdenklich ... 更多相关信息 Dirk Hoffmann 来自 Stuttgart

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Dating in Stuttgart, 德国

Peter hansen FROM Copenhagen, 丹麦

tit1tit2 : looking for nice girl
51 岁 male from Copenhagen, 丹麦

Hello girls, Some one want to see Denmark? Are you ready to begin your new life, I hope so - plese send me a letter and i will get back to you. Kind regard - Tit... 更多相关信息 Peter hansen 来自 Copenhagen

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Dating in Copenhagen, 丹麦

Paul FROM Wexford, 爱尔兰

restampt : Hello girls!!
51 岁 male from Wexford, 爱尔兰

I'm 38 and have worked hard all my life, time now to settle down and start a family. I can't find love at home so thats why I'm here. I'm financially independent.... 更多相关信息 Paul 来自 Wexford

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Dating in Wexford, 爱尔兰

Vasilis FROM Athens, 希腊

vasilisok : easy going person
51 岁 male from Athens, 希腊

I like to believe that i am a good man.I am too cαlm, sometimes annoying the people arround me. I think i have a good sense of humor,good friends, and a good life. But, still somet... 更多相关信息 Vasilis 来自 Athens

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Dating in Athens, 希腊


darinelkeller : To be added
51 岁 male from XALAPA, 墨西哥

To be added... 更多相关信息 来自 XALAPA

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Dating in XALAPA, 墨西哥

FROM skopje, 马其顿

ipce : To be added
51 岁 male from skopje, 马其顿

To be added... 更多相关信息 来自 skopje

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Dating in skopje, 马其顿

Francesco FROM Catania, 意大利

Frankct72 : To be added
51 岁 male from Catania, 意大利

It's not simple to describe myself, I could say that I'm reliable, honest and romantic man. I've several interest and I love life ! All the rest you can discover knowing me ... :w... 更多相关信息 Francesco 来自 Catania

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Dating in Catania, 意大利
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