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Liudmila from Moskow, 俄罗斯

可信度 -  <40%
Liudmila88: Hi)))
36 岁, Moskow, 俄罗斯

Write to me, dear :) My name is Liudmila. You may be surprised that I’m loves to laugh and enjoys life 一个 girls of somebody’s dream 没有小孩. I am 36 岁. I’m from Moskow, 俄罗斯. I have 充足的 body, my ethnicity - 我稍后再告诉你, my height is 5.6 - 5.7 英寸 (166-170厘米). I speak 英语, 俄语 and work as a To be added. I like nature, music, swimming, walking in the morning. I seek man for 活动伙伴, 友谊, 婚姻, 关系, 浪漫, 临时, 旅行伴侣, 笔友. I wish my boyfriend is practical, sociable, cheerful guy, 18-75 y/o.

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Elena from Moscow, 俄罗斯

39833Elena: Marriage
54 岁, Moscow, 俄罗斯

I will bring holiday to your life! I’m Elena. Often they say to me that I’m loves to laugh and enjoys life 离异 European woman 怀孕. I am 54 岁. My native city is Moscow, 俄罗斯. I have 苗条的 body, my ethnicity - 我稍后再告诉你, my height is 6.0 - 6.1 英寸 (181-185厘米). I speak 英语, 德语 and work as a . I like to read books, learn something new, travel, art, watch TV, to look after the flowers. I seek man for 婚姻, 关系, 浪漫. I expect such qualities from man: reliable person, 45-55 y/o.

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Elena from Moscow , 俄罗斯

可信度 -  75%
LenochkaYourArtist: I will paint our love picture!
46 岁, Moscow , 俄罗斯

Hello. I am Elena . One can say about me that I’m mysterious, can be on god terms with people 一个 European girl 没有小孩. I am 46 岁. My native city is Moscow , 俄罗斯. I have 有魅力的 body, my ethnicity - 我稍后再告诉你, my height is 我稍后再告诉你. I speak 英语, 俄语 and work as a Artist. I like cooking, keeping house, dancing, walking under stars. I seek man for 活动伙伴, 友谊, 婚姻, 关系, 浪漫, 旅行伴侣. You should be reliable person, 40-75 y/o.

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Olga from Moscou, 俄罗斯

jemapelleOlga: je cherche 'mon homme' bien aimé pour fonder une famille
36 岁, Moscou, 俄罗斯

Let’s make acquaintance. I am Olga. Often they say to me that I’m loves to laugh and enjoys life 离异 European woman 没有小孩. I am 36 岁. I live in Moscou, 俄罗斯. I have 苗条的 body, my ethnicity - 高加索人, my height is 5.4 - 5.5 英寸 (161-165厘米). I speak 法国, 俄语, 英语 and work as a Logisticienne/Analyste/Comptable. I like cooking, keeping house, dancing, walking under stars. I seek man for 婚姻. You should be kind, clever man, 28-39 y/o.

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Margo from Moscow, 俄罗斯

Margo_78: about me
46 岁, Moscow, 俄罗斯

It’s nice to meet you. I’m Margo. By nature I’m like children, sociable, moody person and 一个 pretty European girl 没有小孩. I am 46 岁. My native city is Moscow, 俄罗斯. I have 苗条的 body, my ethnicity - 高加索人, my height is 5.8 - 5.9 英寸 (171-175厘米). I speak 俄语, 英语 and work as a manager. I like to read books, learn something new, travel, art, watch TV, to look after the flowers. I seek man for 婚姻, 关系. I expect such qualities from man: reliable person, 40-52 y/o.

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Alina from Moscow, 俄罗斯

44020Alina: Marriage
55 岁, Moscow, 俄罗斯

Hello. I am Alina. Often they say to me that I’m communicative and easy going person 离异 European woman 怀孕. I am 55 岁. My house is in Moscow, 俄罗斯. I have 苗条的 body, my ethnicity - 高加索人, my height is 5.4 - 5.5 英寸 (161-165厘米). I speak 德语, 意大利 and work as a . I like cooking, keeping house, dancing, walking under stars. I seek man for 婚姻. You should be interesting interlocutor, not stupid, not boring, 18-18 y/o.

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Nataliya from Moscow, 俄罗斯

MileNata: Waiting for you!
73 岁, Moscow, 俄罗斯

Hi, I’m a lady with hot heart! I’m Nataliya. By nature I’m intellectual, good housekeeper and 窗口 pretty European girl 怀孕. I am 73 岁. My native city is Moscow, 俄罗斯. I have 苗条的 body, my ethnicity - 高加索人, my height is 5.2 - 5.3 英寸 (156-160厘米). I speak 俄语, 德语, 英语 and work as a . I like to read books, learn something new, travel, art, watch TV, to look after the flowers. I seek man for 婚姻, 关系, 旅行伴侣. I expect such qualities from man: reliable person, 55-75 y/o.

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Gala from Москва, 俄罗斯

Gala383: About me...
55 岁, Москва, 俄罗斯

I SEARCH FOR YOU, LOVE! My name is Gala. I am kind and quiet person 离异 single European girl 怀孕. I am 55 岁. I’m from Москва, 俄罗斯. I have 苗条的 body, my ethnicity - 高加索人, my height is 5.2 - 5.3 英寸 (156-160厘米). I speak 英语, 俄语 and work as a To be added. I like nature, music, swimming, walking in the morning. I seek man for 婚姻, 关系, 浪漫. I wish my boyfriend is practical, sociable, cheerful guy, 45-68 y/o.

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Tatiana from Moscow, 俄罗斯

ShiningLife: Coincidence...
49 岁, Moscow, 俄罗斯

Thanks for coming. My name is Tatiana. My friends say that I’m cheerful, interesting, well-educated, purposeful 一个 cute girl from Europe 怀孕. I am 49 岁. My native city is Moscow, 俄罗斯. I have 苗条的 body, my ethnicity - 地中海, my height is 5.8 - 5.9 英寸 (171-175厘米). I speak 俄语, 英语 and work as a Oil and gas Economist, Manager . I like nature, music, swimming, walking in the morning. I seek man for 友谊, 婚姻, 关系, 浪漫. I wish my boyfriend is reliable person, 40-50 y/o.

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Inna from Moscow, 俄罗斯

inna3017: Sun shine mood in any weather!
68 岁, Moscow, 俄罗斯

The world is not enough!!!!! My name is Inna. One can say about me that I’m very kind and sympathetic, tender 离异 European girl 怀孕. I am 68 岁. My house is in Moscow, 俄罗斯. I have 有魅力的 body, my ethnicity - 高加索人, my height is 5.6 - 5.7 英寸 (166-170厘米). I speak 英语, 荷兰人, 法国 and work as a . I like having fun and spending time with friends, take a walk with dog. I seek man for 友谊, 婚姻, 浪漫, 旅行伴侣. I wish my boyfriend is interesting interlocutor, not stupid, not boring, 50-70 y/o.

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