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European glamour girls are heartless dolls or dream of every man?

European glamour girls are heartless dolls or dream of every man?

Often appearance of well-groomed, posh, effective, stylish and seductive girls in sharp image, with outstanding beauty and realization that they are the best arouses annoyance, irony and envious derision in people around. Prior to accuse them in expressive selfishness and self-appraisal going beyond the limits, mercenariness and irrepressible thirst for benefit and to give them mark of dissolute, heartless and absurdly stupid doll lets sort out who they are for real - these scary and alluring European glamour girls.

Can they be compared with the other girls?

Holders of glamour differ from other representatives of the fair sex with charm, femininity, ability to present themselves and to charm everyone with their internal state irrespective of quality and cost of what they wear. Skilful ability to create their image correctly allows them to enjoy reflection they see in the mirror and to charge people around with this energy of positive and beauty.

Social life

As a rule they are models and impressive representatives of social life. But one shouldn't think that they are obligatory perfection per se: they may have irregular features, not waspish waist. They all are different both in appearance and in character.

Inner world

Their uniqueness is based on deep individuality and ability to open their inner world not only with the help of original and expensive decorations, luxurious dresses, open shoes with breathtaking high of the spike heels and unreally expensive autos, but also possession of such features as well developed sense of style, peculiarity and uniqueness, self-sufficiency and independence, scholarship and manners. All above mentioned was reached by them due to love for their nature and desire to charm and to get to fall in love with them people around who appreciate them at their true value.

Unique appearance

External qualities and sense of style allow them to be always neat, conscientious, take a realistic view on their highs and lows, ability to underline one and to hide other with the help of correct combination of elements of clothes together, accessories.

Also it's absolutely not necessary the costume to be loud and expensive, it is important to be seen that it suits the girl, and also correctly chosen make-up not only adorns but also changes her considerably. European glamour girls are always well-groomed and aren't lazy to look after themselves, that is why the motto for such girls is "To be beautiful means to improve your beauty every day".

Special appeal

Peculiarity and uniqueness are also one of the important factors which differ european glamour girls from others. There is special appeal in each of them that attract men. The uniqueness of such girls is shown in special way which is known only for them, and it increases their chances on reciprocal feeling from people around. Positivity and optimistic point of view of such girls hold up in vigour not only mood, health and happiness but also gives them energy and strength, confidence in themselves and in tomorrow, desire to develop and to seek to reach more and more higher. Such girls as a rule are friendly, civilized, good-natured, sociable and far from stupid.

Their creative base

Love and sexuality of european glamour girlsDeep creative base arouses aspiration to make the beautiful and intriguing in them, and natural interest - to learn and imbibe different new information. Scholarship and intellect intensify ability to be interesting and attractive, to invent new entertainments and not to be afraid of experiments. Because of this it is never boring in company of such girl. Strong and effective, they will always find what to do due to number of friends, likings and interests.

Easiness in communication helps to get on the right side of everyone, who is friendly disposed and sincere openness helps to find supportive words in unfavourable and hard life situation or to share joy of close person. In conflict situation one can come into collision with cold unimpressionable or patient, valid and persistenly defend ones point of view person.

Self-sufficiency and independence is expressed in their importunity and in moderate pride from success and satisfaction from their work and career, development in professional and personal aspects. European glamour girls tend to reach many things by their own strength quite early. Because of realistic approach to life they ensure such a life for themselves on desired level on their own. Having respect to their own space they are quite confident in themselves, and know that they are estimated at their actions but not at words.

Love and sexuality of european glamour girls

Love can be very important for such girls, but they have their own interests, views, preference, likings, and hobbies. They have dignity and for some way keep to withdraw, but at the same time they can treat others with understanding, share their interests and approaches to life.

You can feel sexuality of european glamour girls on subconscious level. Enveloping trial of perfectly chosen scent, sincere display of emotions and feelings, expressing of the desires with the help of body movements, gestures and words, openness and sincerity with the close person will open their femininity, great charm and congeniality, sensuality and passion on which only they are able.

Readiness to let the beloved person have leading role becomes apparent in delicacy, warmth and tenderness with which they are ready to favour their close person. Care for health make them absolutely uncompromising in questions of safe sex that is also worth profound respect for them.

One shouldn't interpret European glamour girls as deeply egoistic natures, and their glamor is no other than creation of their own world where there is only she divine and the Earth turns around her and for her. Being not the same as everyone is big painstaking job which she fulfils with zeal and persistence.

Day after day painstaking job under shortcomings and creation of perfect model of women in her person but not only for herself, also for the one king who will be grateful to her and will raise her to the level of queen. And only with him and for him she will live, improve herself, create and love.

Alina from Kazan , Russia

  • 23 y/o, student
  • "... Hot dreams come true!!! ..."
  • I will bring holiday to your life! I’m Alina. From the very beginning I say that I’m like children, sociable, moody person and Single beautiful girl without children. I am 23 y/o. I live in Kazan , Russia. I have Attractive body, my ethnicity - I will tell you later, my height is 5'2" - 5'3" (156-160cm). I speak English, Russian and work as a student. I like to read books, learn something new, travel, art, watch TV, to look after the flowers. I seek man for Activity Partner, Friendship, Marriage, Relationship, Romance, Travel Partner. I expect such qualities from man: kind, clever man, 22-69 y/o.
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Yaroslava from Poltava, Ukraine

  • 38 y/o, fitness trainer
  • "... "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart..." ..."
  • I will bring holiday to your life! I’m Yaroslava. By nature I’m kind, responsible, seeking for endearment Single pretty European girl without children. I am 38 y/o. I’m from Poltava, Ukraine. I have Athletic body, my ethnicity - Caucasian, my height is 5'6" - 5'7" (166-170cm). I speak English and work as a fitness trainer. I like to read books, learn something new, travel, art, watch TV, to look after the flowers. I seek man for Activity Partner, Friendship, Marriage, Relationship, Romance. I expect such qualities from man: practical, sociable, cheerful guy, 38-60 y/o.
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Anastasia from Kiev, Ukraine

  • 28 y/o, Restaurant administrator
  • How are you doing? I’m Anastasia. I am communicative and easy going person Single single European girl without children. I am 28 y/o. I’m in Kiev, Ukraine. I have Slim body, my ethnicity - I will tell you later, my height is 5'6" - 5'7" (166-170cm). I speak Ukrainian, English, Russian and work as a Restaurant administrator. I like nature and to be outdoors, going to cafes, movies and theaters. I seek man for Friendship, Marriage, Relationship, Romance. I expect such qualities from man: self confident, intelligent, caring and kind, 28-75 y/o.
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Alina from Kiev, Bali, Ukraine

  • 28 y/o, creative manager
  • "... God save the Queen ..."
  • I dream to find my soul-mate. I’m Alina. I am loves to laugh and enjoys life Single single European girl without children. I am 28 y/o. My native city is Kiev, Bali, Ukraine. I have Attractive body, my ethnicity - I will tell you later, my height is 5'6" - 5'7" (166-170cm). I speak English, Russian, Spanish and work as a creative manager. I like nature and to be outdoors, going to cafes, movies and theaters. I seek man for Marriage, Relationship, Romance. I expect such qualities from man: reliable person, 37-64 y/o.
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Valentina from Ekaterinburg, Russia

  • 27 y/o, bank operator
  • "... Love lieves in a pure heart ..."
  • I’m your dream! My name is Valentina. From the very beginning I want to say that I’m intellectual, good housekeeper and Single just beautiful girl without children. I am 27 y/o. I live in Ekaterinburg, Russia. I have Slim body, my ethnicity - Caucasian, my height is 5'6" - 5'7" (166-170cm). I speak English, French and work as a bank operator . I like nature, music, swimming, walking in the morning. I seek man for Friendship, Marriage, Relationship, Romance. I wish my boyfriend is kind, clever man, 30-75 y/o.
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