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Dating with Valentina (brightest_pearl), girl from Kiev, Ukraine

  • First Name: Valentina
  • 39 Jahre alt frau, Sternzeichen: Schütze
  • Kiev, Ukraine
  • English(Gut), French(Elementar), German(Elementar)
  • Web content redactor
  • 1 Kind
  • Zuletzt Online: 11. Juni 2023
  • Nickname: brightest_pearl
  • ID: 1001035475
 Vertrauensstufe -  71%
Private Daten und Kontaktinformationen
Persönliche Daten
Geschlecht frau
Kinder 1 Kind
will Kinder haben Ich sage es dir später
Körperbau Attraktiv
Ethnizität Kaukasisch
Religion Christ
Familienstand Single
Ausbildung MA/MS/MBA
Raucher Nein
Trinker(in) Nein
Details der Person die Sie suchen
Ich suche männlich
Ich suche nach einer Altersgruppe 35-75
Ich suche nach der Größe
Ich suche nach Körperbau
Beziehung Freundschaft, Ehe, Beziehung, Romantik
I WILL NOT WASTE YOR TIME on games, I want to find love and be happy!
And I expect the same from the man - only serious letters that will lead to reality in the future!
I am kind, honest and sincere woman who joined this site to find love. I have a big heart and and a passionate soul.
What else a man needs to be happy with a woman?
I am supportive, creative and happy. I have a grown daughter, she is a student already.)
I don't need money or expensive gifts! I want to be happy and I know that money can't buy happiness, love or friendship.
Thank you for reading my profile ...
Beschreibung eines idealen Partners(einer idealen Partnerin):
I am looking for a man who does not have only sex on his mind. Yes, passion is important, but this is part of the loving relationship, not all of it...
I am looking for a responsible man, kind, honest and reliable man, with whom I will share everything I have. I want to find a man with whom I can be me and who can also trust me everything and together we can call each other - a family)
DatumTitelBreite x GrößeDauerAnsicht
2019-02-24Moments of my life :) 1280 x 720 3:00Ansicht
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