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Dating with Elena (Ur_Puzzle_Piece__), girl from Uman, Украина

  • First Name: Elena
  • 53 лет женщина, Зодиак: Дева
  • Uman, Украина
  • Английский(Очень плохо), Польский(Очень плохо), Украинский(Свободно)
  • Toy designer
  • 1 ребенок
  • Был(а) в онлайне: 10:09
  • Nickname: Ur_Puzzle_Piece__
  • E-Mail или ID: 1001804683
 Trust Level -  77%
Private details and contact information
Личная информация
Пол женщина
Дети 1 ребенок
Хочу завести еще детей Расскажу потом
Рост 5'6" - 5'7" (166-170см)
Тип тела Привлекательное
Этническая принадлежность Европеоид
Религия Христианин
Матримониальное положение Разведен
Образование Высшее
Курильщик Нет
Пьющий Нет
Информация о человеке, которого вы ищете
Я ищу мужчина
Ищу в возрасте 55-75
Ищу, требования к росту
Ищу, требование к типу телосложения
Знакомство Брак, Отношения, Романтические отношения
Every good girl has a bad girl side.It just depends if her man knows how to awaken the beast.
Beautiful and sexy! Intelligent and creative 😃
I make toys.Curious-then ask me what kind of toys I make)
A Women who knows what she wants, A women who is gentle and kind, Family orientated, a woman who is a great lover and a romantic affectionate partner, a woman who knows how to care of her man. I am passionate and full of energy, wish to share it with right man...

I laugh a lot! I have much passion and much love for life! 😁 😃
Описание идеального партнера:
Having someone understand your mind is a whole different kind of intimacy.
The vibration is magical.

A man who knows how to use his word and means it.

Years of one-time dates ended and I am looking for REAL man who lives in REAL world not virtual. A man who wants to create adult relationships – mature and experienced.

I do not care about age(I am not young either)), profession, income or even body type, because life taught me what is really important – kindness, passion to life, respect.

I know we all want to be the best, the smartest, the sexiest on the site, but only life shows who is who for real.

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