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认识来自的女孩 Cherkassy, 乌克兰 - Tatiana (TanyaTasty)

  • Tatiana
  • 50 岁 女性, 星座: 处女座
  • Cherkassy, 乌克兰
  • 乌克兰(流利的), 俄语(流利的), 英语(基础)
  • accountant
  • 1 个小孩
  • 最后在线: 10:30
  • TanyaTasty
  • ID: 1000634634
 可信度 -  <40%
Private details and contact information
性别 女性
孩子 1 个小孩
想要小孩 我稍后再告诉你
身高 5.8 - 5.9 英寸 (171-175厘米)
体型 苗条的
宗教信仰 东正教
婚姻状况 离异
学历 艺术学硕士/理学硕士/商管理硕士
吸烟者 没有
酒徒 没有
我期待 男性
筛选年龄范围 38-75
关系 活动伙伴, 友谊, 婚姻, 关系, 浪漫
My friends always tell me that I'm a very positive person. I was wondering why that is so. Maybe it's because I'm optimist, and always try to find a way out of any situation...

Maybe that's why I still believe in true love. Do you think I'm naive and romantic person?
No, I'm just a woman and I want to feel beloved and desired. I miss that so much now... And hope to find a man on this site with whom we will have happy family life, with whom we will share the best moments of life...

My honey, I want you to be real, to be able to have real and strong feelings...
I wish to give you all my love and tenderness...

Words can't express all my feelings. But I'm sure that once you see my profile, my photos, you will understand that I'm a woman for you.
Once we meet, look into each other's eyes and love appears between us, we will be together forever...

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