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认识来自的女孩 Zaporizhzhia, 乌克兰 - Svetlana (Sweety__Lana)

  • Svetlana
  • 42 岁 女性, 星座: 双鱼座
  • Zaporizhzhia, 乌克兰
  • 俄语(流利的), 乌克兰(流利的), 英语(基础)
  • nail design
  • 1 个小孩
  • 最后在线: 2025年1月12日
  • Sweety__Lana
  • ID: 1001713608
 可信度 -  100%
Private details and contact information
性别 女性
孩子 1 个小孩
想要小孩 我稍后再告诉你
身高 5.4 - 5.5 英寸 (161-165厘米)
体型 苗条的
种族 高加索人
宗教信仰 东正教
婚姻状况 窗口
学历 高等教育
吸烟者 没有
酒徒 没有
我期待 男性
筛选年龄范围 40-75
关系 活动伙伴, 友谊, 婚姻, 关系, 浪漫, 旅行伴侣
I have experienced enough in this life and I deserve to be happy! Whether it is possible to experience happiness here, I do not know, but it is worth trying!
I always give a chance to something new and I believe that in life you need to try absolutely everything and thus find harmony!
I like to actively pursue life, travel, sports education, that's all that describes me! Therefore, I am not afraid to find love outside my country! But since childhood, it has been telling me that no matter where you are from, love can overtake you, anywhere!
I can state a huge list of requirements! But for what? More often than not, people do not live up to expectations, but on the contrary the opposite of choice attracts! Therefore, I am not looking for someone special! I need a relationship that will bring happiness! Love in which there will be fire!
Laughter that will make you happy and tenderness that will envelop you with care!
日期标题宽度 x 身高持续浏览
2020-08-24❤️my favorite❤️1080 x 1920 0:20浏览
2020-08-24come with me?1080 x 1920 1:55浏览
2020-08-24will you help me?1080 x 1920 0:20浏览
2020-10-23❤️❤️❤️❤️1080 x 1920 0:27浏览
2020-12-07will we take a walk?1080 x 1920 0:18浏览
2020-12-19MMM RED LIPS❤️1080 x 1920 0:15浏览

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