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Dating with Elena (Searching_Blonde82), girl from Tyumen, Russia

  • First Name: Elena
  • 42 Jahre alt frau, Sternzeichen: Waage
  • Tyumen, Russia
  • English(Mittel)
  • advertising business
  • 2 Kinder
  • Zuletzt Online: 30. April 2022
  • Nickname: Searching_Blonde82
  • ID: 1001744521
 Vertrauensstufe -  100%
Private Daten und Kontaktinformationen
Persönliche Daten
Geschlecht frau
Kinder 2 Kinder
will Kinder haben Ich sage es dir später
Größe 5'4" - 5'5" (161-165cm)
Körperbau Durchschnittlich
Familienstand Geschieden
Ausbildung Hochschulbildung
Raucher Nein
Trinker(in) Nein
Details der Person die Sie suchen
Ich suche männlich
Ich suche nach einer Altersgruppe 45-75
Ich suche nach der Größe
Ich suche nach Körperbau
Beziehung Freizeitpartner, Ehe, Beziehung, Romantik
I am a woman who was able to realize herself as a mother but not as a wife, I also have my own business and I am that example of a woman who is independent and strong, but inside I am a fragile and deeply lonely woman. This feeling cannot be confused, since you can be in society, communicate with many, but experience loneliness and sadness, since there is no person nearby who will understand you without words. I can speak any language, but without love is it worth...?
Beschreibung eines idealen Partners(einer idealen Partnerin):
I want to believe that love is possible at any age and every time falling in love every day with the same person is real. I don't need one-time appointments once a year because it's Valentine's Day or March 8th. for me a man is first of all - courage and actions and then words.
I have seen few happy couples, but I want to see myself happy, with you or not - time will tell, let’s not to waste it?
DatumTitelBreite x GrößeDauerAnsicht
2021-03-17YELLOW MAGAZINE))) 1920 x 1080 0:16Ansicht
2021-03-22Ride with me please720 x 720 0:10Ansicht
2021-03-25Can you estimate how good I am? I'm not professional :)1280 x 720 1:37Ansicht
2021-03-25Can you estimate how good I am? I'm not professional :)1280 x 720 1:37Ansicht
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