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认识来自的女孩 Blagoveschensk, 俄罗斯 - Elena (MEA123)

  • Elena
  • 64 岁 女性, 星座: 金牛座
  • Blagoveschensk, 俄罗斯
  • 俄语(流利的), 英语(基础)
  • 没有小孩
  • 最后在线: 2019年7月18日
  • MEA123
  • ID: 1000010762
Private details and contact information
性别 女性
孩子 没有小孩
想要小孩 没有
身高 5.2 - 5.3 英寸 (156-160厘米)
体型 苗条的
种族 高加索人
宗教信仰 基督教
婚姻状况 离异
学历 高等教育
吸烟者 没有
酒徒 没有
我期待 男性
筛选年龄范围 58-65
关系 婚姻
My name is Elena. About myself: I am very
kind, honest, openhearted, sincere and serious lady, I have
a lot of friends, I enjoy spending time with them. I love music
and dancing. I adore traveling and visiting new places. I
enjoy cooking something tasty for my family.
I am looking for my special man. I am ready to give all my love, care
and tenderness to my second halt.
I enjoy a lot of things in my life: music, dancing,
sports, nature, traveling, outings, driving. I enjoy traveling
and meeting new people. It is hard for me to describe my
character, but my friends say I am cheetul, optimistic,
active, kind, sincere, easy-going, with a good sense of humor.
I can add that I am a bit romantic. If you are looking for
a serious relationship, please, write me, Sincerely yours, Elena.

Quiet, friendly, with good sense of humour

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