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认识来自的女孩 Luhansk, 乌克兰 - Iryna (IIryna)

  • Iryna
  • 61 岁 女性, 星座: 巨蟹座
  • Luhansk, 乌克兰
  • 俄语(流利的), 英语(媒介)
  • To be added
  • 没有小孩
  • 最后在线: 2018年1月22日
  • IIryna
  • ID: 1001350260
Private details and contact information
性别 女性
孩子 没有小孩
想要小孩 没有
身高 5.6 - 5.7 英寸 (166-170厘米)
体型 平均
种族 混合
宗教信仰 东正教
婚姻状况 离异
学历 艺术学硕士/理学硕士/商管理硕士
吸烟者 没有
酒徒 没有
我期待 男性
筛选年龄范围 54-75
关系 婚姻, 关系
You know I'm not a young woman. But I characterized by many features that come only with age. Wisdom, understanding of the concept of relationship, distribution of duties inside the family. Teenage arrogance and pride are not typical to the adult women. In addition, I clearly understand importance of women in men's lives.

I do not write this to promote myself or to attract the male side of the site. I want to remind to men that older women have the old concept of thinking. They are not distorted by mercantile modern world.

Well, I like to walk, read books, to swim. Healthy eating and sports have always been a priority in my life. No bad habits. I like to spend time watching TV. A cup of tea in the evening in the company of a good girlfriend.

As you can see, I'm an ordinary woman. And I need the same ordinary man.
He should be simple, independent, confident in himself. And most importantly devoted. No other skirts in his life.

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