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Dating with Eva (EVALution), girl from Kremenchug, Ukraine

  • First Name: Eva
  • ID: 1001806580
  • Nickname: EVALution
  • 21 Jahre alt frau, Sternzeichen: Fische
  • I live in Kremenchug, Ukraine
  • I speak English(Gut), Polish(Elementar)
  • Ohne Kinder
  • Zuletzt Online: 09:31
 Vertrauensstufe -  100%
Private Daten und Kontaktinformationen
Persönliche Daten
Geschlecht frau
Kinder Ohne Kinder
will Kinder haben Ich sage es dir später
Körperbau Sportlich
Details der Person die Sie suchen
Ich suche männlich
Ich suche nach einer Altersgruppe 30-50
Ich suche nach der Größe
Ich suche nach Körperbau
Beziehung Freundschaft, Ehe, Beziehung, Romantik
Hello dear, nice time we live in. I can send my word to another person just overseas and in few seconds. My name is Eva. I am single, looking for a normal and honest man. I believe I will find him. I believe in God and in good people. I am all alone. I want to be honest with you, I am sure, soon, many things will change to the better side for us. I want to travel, want to see the world. Why not? I think people need to travel and discover the world for their self-education, for their experience. People can travel with money or without them. The only thing is comfort. Who cares about comfort when you in love? Do you believe in love from the first sight? I do not know yet, never had such experience before, but I know for sure, love exist.
Time going by…I am here, and you also here. I want to let you know, that it is time to make some steps.
I have made one…
Your turn!)
Sincerely, Eva
Beschreibung eines idealen Partners(einer idealen Partnerin):
I am looking for simply a normal man. Normal man, who is honest and kind. That is it, chemistry will make all other magic between us. I hope to meet a good man, who is really well-educated and positive. I am sure we both will find each other really very very very soon. Do you agree? If you are single, if your heart is free, please, let me know! Prefer the man that is accomplished in life, having his own business and giving an account of everything he does. He must be an interesting outstanding personality, understand people, be kind, caring, strong and decisive. He must respect the woman and see her as an equal partner. 😥
DatumTitelBreite x GrößeDauerAnsicht
2022-07-08Lets walk together?1080 x 1920 0:59Ansicht
2022-07-08JUst meee)1080 x 1920 0:59Ansicht
2022-10-07I am unforgettable woman!1280 x 720 3:21Ansicht
2022-10-27Sweet walk464 x 848 0:59Ansicht
2022-10-27work time!720 x 720 1:00Ansicht
2022-10-27hypnotizing 1080 x 1920 0:59Ansicht
2022-10-27i'm a treiner!1920 x 1080 1:00Ansicht
2022-10-27red dress1080 x 1920 1:00Ansicht
2022-10-27defiler464 x 848 0:59Ansicht
2022-10-27Me in dress1500 x 2304 1:00Ansicht
2022-10-27Red Hot Woman1080 x 1920 1:00Ansicht
2022-10-27My work1920 x 1080 1:00Ansicht
2022-10-27Selfie Video1080 x 1920 0:59Ansicht
2022-10-27Doing Sports720 x 720 1:00Ansicht
2022-10-27Sexy lady making pics1920 x 3412 0:59Ansicht

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